Jarod Spohrer

GD 122
this site the web

From Underworld Magazine
I love this page for some reason even though it's so simple!
an example of a designers page that is a great representation of simple clean and effective
From Underworld magazine.This is a great example of being fully linked in to the socal networking opportunities without it conflicting with your design.
Which by the way for a car website, it's one of the best I've seen of the rugged style advertisements

Rik Oostenbroek
from abduzeedo.com SELL YOU DESIGN 

fantastic use of color and design and without seeming that hard to create! This I feel would be great for recreation with a product in the beauty care circles


another example from smashing magazine that i'm torn between using and a design inspiration for my other page and the other i posted before

This is one of the awesome examples of a cafe website that I might be trying to overhaul on to another page I'm designing
This is from one of the showcases for smashing magazine
This is one of the random little peices of art I did after learning how to use the stroke brush and effects, kind of a fall effect. The Idea was actually from my fluid effects projects from another class

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